
  • N Reznikova Institute of International Relations Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv
  • V Panchenko Mariupol State University


The policy of economic patriotism is defined by in the article as an economic policy implemented by domestic governments tomitigate market failures and purposeful market distortions, in order to assure as effective as possible stimulation of economicgrowth measured by rates of GDP growth and achieve the optimal fundamentals such as employment, labor productivity growth,inflation, lending to corporate sector and households. We argue, that stimulation of the cumulative demand, both domestic andexternal, becomes a critical parameter of the policy of economic patriotism, focused on stimulating the purchasing capacity (byimplementing the policy of basic guaranteed income, tax reduction, creation of new jobs) and competitiveness of home-madeproducts at external markets. It is concluded that manifestations of economic nationalism of 21 century go far beyond the protectionof infant industries (a measure massively used at the industrial phase in developed countries) and include a broader spectrum oflegal, normative and other measures intended to regulate market relations. Based on the analysis of the economic policy of France,it is proposed to use the key characteristics of the policy of economic patriotism in the economic policy of Ukraine.Keywords: economic nationalism, economic patriotism, economic policy, industrial policy, protectionism.

Author Biographies

N Reznikova, Institute of International Relations Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv

Professor at the Chair of World Economyand International Economic Relations

V Panchenko, Mariupol State University

PhD (history),doctoral student


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