Анотація. В статті здійснено оцінку фактичних та прогнозних показників фінансової безпеки України. Виокремлено сутнісні характеристики та особливості бюджетного ризику. Обґрунтовано, що різнобічність бюджетних ризиків спонукає до їх систематизації за певними критеріями, виділено базові класифікаційні ознаки бюджетних ризиків. Узагальнено сучасну структуру бюджетних ризиків. Здійснено аналіз окремих бюджетних ризиків та запропоновано їх класифікацію.Ключові слова: фінансова безпека, бюджетна безпека, бюджетні ризики, бюджетна система, загрози економічній безпеці. Annotation. The article deals with the analysis of the real and predicted indices of financial security in Ukraine. It determines main characteristics and peculiarities of the budget risk. It investigates the approaches to the definition and classification of the budget risk. The budget risks is determined as the combination of likely undesirable consequences that can lead to the loss of costs of state and local budgets.The article characterizes the peculiarities of budget risks: the objectivity of manifestation and universal character (it appears because of objectively incidental factors that deal with the process of making the decision in the budget sphere); the risk of unused possibilities (it appears on different levels of the budget system, on different stages of the budget process, it is characterized by possible expenses); economic nature of the budget risk (the appearance of the budget risks is caused by the existence of factors of uncertainty); the acceptability of the budget risk (the existence of the budget risk causes the necessity to estimate the level of its influence by the subjects of budget relations for reducing the budget expenses); possible character of the manifestation of the budget risks (the budget risk is characterized by some probability of dawning of unfavorable situations and consequences); subjective character of the budget risk (the estimation of the level of the budget risk has the subjective character); dynamic level of the budget risk (the level of the budget risk can be changed considerably).It proves that different sides of the budget risks lead to the systematization by peculiar criteria, as well as it distinguishes basic class characteristics of the budget risks. The article summarizes the modern structure of the budget risks. It analyses some budget risks. It gives the classification of budget risks according to the sphere of their appearance, reasons, character of appearance, the scale, the structure of the budget, the level of expenses, the character of expenses, the capabilities of prediction, and the degree of capability.Key words: financial security, budget security, budget risks, budget system, dangers of economic security. Аннотация. В статье осуществлена оценка фактических и прогнозных показателей финансовой безопасности Украины. Выделены сущностные характеристики и особенности бюджетного риска. Обосновано, что разносторонность бюджетных рисков побуждает к их систематизации по определенным критериям, выделено базовые классификационные признаки бюджетных рисков. Обосновано современную структуру бюджетных рисков. Осуществлен анализ отдельных бюджетных рисков и предложена их классификация.Ключевые слова: финансовая безопасность, бюджетная безопасность, бюджетные риски, бюджетная система, угрозы экономической безопасности.Downloads